Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Jeel Construction Contractor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Servicer– Jeel Construction, Building Contractors

Contact Number+917383094710

“We as a JEEL CONSTRUCTION, are serving our clients in the Construction field. our main services are RCC work, Brick Work, Plastering Work, Flooring Work, and Waterproofing work. We are also providing Breaker on rent, Rebarring of TMT bars, Core Cutting Services, Slab Cutting Services, Wall cutting services, Beam cutting, and Column cutting. We are taking all types of Waterproofing like Acrylic polymer-based, Crystalline, Coat Tar Epoxy, PU-based, Rubberised ..etc. In the industrial sector, we are doing Machinery Foundation, Anchor Bolting, Road Repair, Fabrication, Construction, Epoxy Paint, Anti Fungal Paint, etc. We have expanded our scope of work to give ONE STOP Solution Under one ROOF.”

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